10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- I'm a better poker player than I am a player.
- A pair of Aces with a low kicker is like a chick without nipples...
-doyle brunson, circa 1986
- I couldn't bet it, so I gave my Aunt $2 to make a bet for me. She didn't want me to be disappointed by losing my first bet, so she bought a show ticket. The horse won. It's been 40 years, I still havn't spoken to her again. --Gary Carson
- I've raised with cards less attractive than what's in my toilet after I took a dump in it. - Gus Hansen
- Great poker players are separated from good poker players not by how they win their hands, but how they lose them.
- When you're drawing dead, you always get there.
- If you raise with 72 offsuit, you get to raise when the flops is 7-7-2, ... once in your life. If you fold 72 offsuit, you get the free time to study your opponents or the waitresses and avoid polishing the rail with your sweater ... tough decision!
- Sucking out won't help you.
The only cure for stupidity is losing.
-- The BRICK --
- "Hold em is to stud what chess is to checkers." -- Johnny Moss
- No bad beat can withstand the assault of laughter!