10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- After taking a beat:
"How bad do they play?...This is the World Series of Poker!"
-Phil Hellmuth Jr.
- "It's always good to get a nice dick-suckin before a tournament...it calms the senses."
Alex Powers
- You have to piss with the dick you have
- Frying bacon is much like playing poker; in each, a pig must be slaughtered and consumed by a superior being.
- Dan: I got the ace too, but I have nothing to kick you with.
Ian: Well, you could always take your shoe off.
- If luck wasn't a factor, I'd win every one. -Phil Hellmuth
- "Never say 'Whoa' to a mud puddle"
-- Anonymous
$4-to-go NL A-5 Lowball Table,
Cameo Club Palo Alto CA, 1977
- A pair of Aces with a low kicker is like a chick without nipples...
-doyle brunson, circa 1986
- "Percentage players die broke too, Burt." -Fast Eddie Felson "The Hustler"
- Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. — Steven Wright