10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Poker is like a horse, five letters, two vowels
- when i folded an A-7 suited under the gun which would've ended up giving me the small end of a mini jackpot, my dad said, "yeah, if i would've driven to Tucson, I would've found that diamond ring. But i don't drive to Tucson."
- Please screen your these quotes, most of the crap people submit here don't classify as poker quotes at all, they just express how badly those persons misunderstand the game of poker or how proud they are that they understand elemntry concepts such as "counting outs" or "pot odds", no one cares jerks
- I don't want to be called a good loser. A good loser is still a loser.
-Stu Unger
- I suck, therefore I suck out.
North Shore Mike
- " The commonest mistake in history is underestimating your opponent; happens at the poker table all the time."
- I've noticed something funny ... the more I practice, the luckier I get. -- Jack Nicklaus
- Liquor up front, poker in the rear
- In order to live, you must be willing to die - Amir Vahedi
- God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffible game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. --Gaiman and Pratchett's "Good Omens"