10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "I raise, therefore I am." - Howard Lederer
- Hold em' is like sex... everyone thinks they are great at it, but most people dont know what the hell they are doing.
- Poker players and police officers have alot in common. Hours and hours of boredom with a few moments of sheer terror.
- If you could lose all of your money again... what would you have done differently?
- "I dont mind getting beaten by a good player, and I dont even mind getting beaten by a bad player, but I cant stand getting beaten by a bad player who thinks he is good."
H.L.B. Tunica, MS
- I'd rather be good than lucky, I'd rather be lucky than lose...
- "if you riffle shuffle a standard deck
exactly 9 times the cards will return
to its original position as it were
prior to the 9 riffle shuffles."
- When I play badly, I lose fast. When I play well, I lose slowly. In a tournament, the net result is the same: I LOSE! - RH 11-6-05
- The problem with slowplaying the nuts is that there might be somebody else slowplaying a hand they only think is the nuts.
-Gary Carson
- Welcome to kicker school