10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Its better to have played and lost then to not have played at all
Dick McWatters
- If you can't spot the sucker at the table, guess what..
- Frying bacon is much like playing poker; in each, a pig must be slaughtered and consumed by a superior being.
- The only thing you lose by folding is the opportunity to win.
- Poker is like petting a cat, you need some hands.
- "I could make a crazy call on you..."
Sammy Farhah to Chris Moneymaker at the final table when Moneymaker went all in.
- The problem with slowplaying the nuts is that there might be somebody else slowplaying a hand they only think is the nuts.
-Gary Carson
- "Never say 'Whoa' to a mud puddle"
-- Anonymous
$4-to-go NL A-5 Lowball Table,
Cameo Club Palo Alto CA, 1977
- Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.
- I used to go out, go dancing, and talk to the chicks. Now, my life has been down-sized to the couch, the laptop, and the occasional cranberry and rum.
--The 5 card stud---