10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "Just play every hand, you can't miss them all."
-Sammy Farha's reply to, "How does he do it?"
- "The lucky player is usually the player that knows how much to leave to chance." flintsword
- If you can't spot the sucker at the table, guess what..
- The only way to win is to play. Unfortunetly, it is also the only way to loose.
- In order to live, you must be willing to die - Amir Vahedi
- "Hooks (pair of Jacks) are for Fish. You've got to flop 'em, fold 'em, or fornicate 'em."
Johnnie Moss
- There's only one concept to understand in poker: at the end walk out with more money than you walked in with.
- "if you riffle shuffle a standard deck
exactly 9 times the cards will return
to its original position as it were
prior to the 9 riffle shuffles."
- Poker is like life, most people don't learn from their mistakes they only recognize them. C.Arel
- I can't raise it up.
- Cow Jacobs