10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- If you could lose all of your money again... what would you have done differently?
- No bad beat can withstand the assault of laughter!
- Poker is like sex - everyone thinks that they are the best at it but few actually know what they are doing - Layne Flack
- Ive always like the quote, "Who needs balls when you got the nuts!!!"
- If you lock 100 retards in a room and make them play a tournament, one of them has to win. If you do that in each state, you will produce 50 state champions. If you lock those 50 retards in a room, call it the Poker Championship of the Universe, one of them has to win, and then PokerStars gets 10%.
- "It's always good to get a nice dick-suckin before a tournament...it calms the senses."
Alex Powers
- "I raise, therefore I am." - Howard Lederer
- Please screen your these quotes, most of the crap people submit here don't classify as poker quotes at all, they just express how badly those persons misunderstand the game of poker or how proud they are that they understand elemntry concepts such as "counting outs" or "pot odds", no one cares jerks
- "All-in, bitches!!!"
- Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.