10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Sometimes nothing's a pretty cool hand
-paul newman-
- when a player asks me for lucky chips, i say they weren't lucky for the person i got them from
- Most of these quotes are abysmal and submitted by the sort of idiots who fill the partypoker chatbox with words like 'phuktard'
- In order to live, you must be willing to die - Amir Vahedi
- I suck, therefore I suck out.
North Shore Mike
- What did the pocket 3's say to the pocket 2's?
Your a dead duck.
- how do you know when simon trumper has just got lucky?
a bit of his hair falls out.
- Dan: I got the ace too, but I have nothing to kick you with.
Ian: Well, you could always take your shoe off.
- I don't really mind getting bad beats. Of course, 9 times out of 10, my superior cards will win. But that 1 time in 10 that someone catches lucky cards and beats me, I don't get mad. Because each of the next 9 times they think they can catch something adds another inch to my television.
- I cried because I had no draw, until I met a man with no pair.