10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Poker is for loners.
- Poker is like life, most people don't learn from their mistakes they only recognize them. C.Arel
- I've raised with cards less attractive than what's in my toilet after I took a dump in it. - Gus Hansen
- I have found that when my reasoning for making a call amounts to, "Aww, fuck it." it is usually the wrong move.
- Deal 'em, and read 'em.
Ralph Malph
- Got married to a hand, and discovered I got set up with a she-male.
- Nobody knows where the hobo goes when it snows.
- Some people ask "what could they possibly call me with" before making a bet. I don't ask that question. I just make the bet and let them supply the answer. - Action Bob
- I used to go out, go dancing, and talk to the chicks. Now, my life has been down-sized to the couch, the laptop, and the occasional cranberry and rum.
--The 5 card stud---
- Poker - love the pain or play checkers.
- MoeSyzslak