10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- The best thing about that hand was I wasn't in it
- When I play badly, I lose fast. When I play well, I lose slowly. In a tournament, the net result is the same: I LOSE! - RH 11-6-05
- I have found that when my reasoning for making a call amounts to, "Aww, fuck it." it is usually the wrong move.
- "So, what did you have?"
"A pair...of balls."
- it is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time: you can even fool some of the people all the time: but you can't fool al of the peole all the time.
-Abraham Lincoln
- "Does this look like a man beat by jacks!"-Rounders
- "I thought it was jack's"
- Phil Helmuth Jr. WSOP vs. Jason Lester
- Kiddie games down the street! -- mike matusow
- ''when i bet i either have nuts or balls.''FRAN PINCHOT
- Sucking out won't help you.
The only cure for stupidity is losing.
-- The BRICK --