10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Ive always like the quote, "Who needs balls when you got the nuts!!!"
- "The last time I saw this many Bad Hands was the Shoplifter's Convention in Vegas!" by flintsword
- "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."
- People who play poker should also try playing with sock puppets, or, in a more casual event, training ferrets. I hope this pleases fellow pokerites like it pleases me, daily. WOW im wet.
- Poker is like life, most people don't learn from their mistakes they only recognize them. C.Arel
- Famous last words before he became a eunuch 'Id bet my bollocks on this hand'
- I have two small pair.....8's and 8's.
- "I had 2 high." -Sammy Farha
- Some people ask "what could they possibly call me with" before making a bet. I don't ask that question. I just make the bet and let them supply the answer. - Action Bob
- Normally, I wouldn't have called you, but you've been running bad!