10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- The only way to win is to play. Unfortunetly, it is also the only way to loose.
- "Give me running 10's boy!!"
Mike Laing - after CALLING 78K with 10-8 on a board of K22
- If you lock 100 retards in a room and make them play a tournament, one of them has to win. If you do that in each state, you will produce 50 state champions. If you lock those 50 retards in a room, call it the Poker Championship of the Universe, one of them has to win, and then PokerStars gets 10%.
- When you win... Rub it in!!!
When you lose.. Drink the booze!!!!!
Los Altos Dirt Bikers
- I used to go out, go dancing, and talk to the chicks. Now, my life has been down-sized to the couch, the laptop, and the occasional cranberry and rum.
--The 5 card stud---
- "Poker is 100% skill, 50% luck"
- Phil Hellmuth
- Remember these three simple words and you'll never go broke........ "Stick em Up!"
- This site pulls more flushes than a public restroom!!!
- "Never say 'Whoa' to a mud puddle"
-- Anonymous
$4-to-go NL A-5 Lowball Table,
Cameo Club Palo Alto CA, 1977
- Why not, when some because there are three.