10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- The greatest feeling is when you've broken your opponent's spirit & crushed his confidence. The fact that you've taken both his bankroll & the shirt off his back is just a bonus.
Tom V. (Livonia, Michigan)
- I suck, therefore I suck out.
North Shore Mike
- I've raised with cards less attractive than what's in my toilet after I took a dump in it. - Gus Hansen
- when a player asks me for lucky chips, i say they weren't lucky for the person i got them from
- See AA before the flop is like a smile from the girl of your dreams, see AA lose to a pour hand on the river feels like the same chick just gave you a bad case of blue balls
- "I guess the sayings' true. In the poker game of life, women are the rake man. They are the f---kin' rake." - Worm (Rounders, 1998)
- The only way to win is to play. Unfortunetly, it is also the only way to loose.
- Think of how stupid the average poker player is. By definition, half of them are dumber than that.
- The next best thing to playing poker and winning, is playing poker and losing.
- If you cant spot the fish in the first ten minutes, you are the fish.