10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Kiddie games down the street! -- mike matusow
- women can't play poker cause they don't have the nuts
- Playing poker for play money is like going to a strip club for the food. -UncleWaldo
- I've noticed something funny ... the more I practice, the luckier I get. -- Jack Nicklaus
- "I'm broke one day and have a fortune the next day, and I don't give a damn"
--Jack "Treetop" Straus--
- To win a bit of money, make your opponent think your hand is stronger than it is. To win a lot of money, make him think your hand is weaker than it is. - Josh Avery
- Got married to a hand, and discovered I got set up with a she-male.
- "Poker is just like the fucking universe man, the different combinations and outs are infinite so it's pointless racking your mind about bad beats and shit"
Stephen Morris
- "I'd rather be lucky than good"
- Lefty Gomez
- Remember these three simple words and you'll never go broke........ "Stick em Up!"