10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker." - Mike McDermott (Rounders, 1998)
- Darwin takes a toll on the worst poker players because they lose money, Darwin takes a toll on average poker players because they don't make money and they will never be a great poker players, Darwin takes the greatest toll though, on the greatest poker players, because they could be doing something greater.
- The worst hand to have is the second best hand.
- "you either live by the river or die by the river" why do i always seem to die
- Acey Deucy Never Leucy
--Phil Hellmuth
- If you can't spot the sucker at the table, guess what..
- Why not, when some because there are three.
- When you win... Rub it in!!!
When you lose.. Drink the booze!!!!!
Los Altos Dirt Bikers
- "I got a full house! Whatchu got, sucker?"
"Gee, does that beat me? All I got is two pair: a pair-a ones...and, uh, ANUDDA pair-a ones."
-Nasta Canasta & Bugs Bunny, "Barbary Coast Bunny"
- I'm too good for you, you might as well flip those 2 cards over.