10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "So again, do not raise in No Limit Hold'em -- especially tournaments -- if there is a reasonable chance that a reraise will make you throw up." -- David Sklansky (Tournament Poker for Advanced Players)
- Poker is like a horse, five letters, two vowels
- Fook the floosh droo!
- "Give me running 10's boy!!"
Mike Laing - after CALLING 78K with 10-8 on a board of K22
- Life is a gamble at terrible odds if it was a bet you would never take it
- Think of how stupid the median poker player is. By definition, half of them are dumber than that.
- The all-in play works everytime but once.
- "You get your chips your way, I'll get my chips mine." (Phil Ivey, to Howard Lederer)
- Sometimes doing the right thing loses you money and the wrong thing gains you money. The trick is figuring the right time to do the wrong thing and the wrong time to do the right thing.
- I have found that when my reasoning for making a call amounts to, "Aww, fuck it." it is usually the wrong move.