10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- I couldn't bet it, so I gave my Aunt $2 to make a bet for me. She didn't want me to be disappointed by losing my first bet, so she bought a show ticket. The horse won. It's been 40 years, I still havn't spoken to her again. --Gary Carson
- Remember these three simple words and you'll never go broke........ "Stick em Up!"
- I'd rather be good than lucky, I'd rather be lucky than lose...
- i dont play any two suited cards. I play any two non suited cards, that way i am drawing at two different flushes
- Those eggs smell delicious!
- Poker players and police officers have alot in common. Hours and hours of boredom with a few moments of sheer terror.
- A pair of Aces with a low kicker is like a chick without nipples...
-doyle brunson, circa 1986
- Nixon financed his first political campaign with money he won playing poker against his fellow naval officers.
- Trying to find the odds (not percentage) for this hand.
One person has JJ the other 1010. On the flop is J 10 10, what are the odds of this happening?
- No bad beat can withstand the assault of laughter!