10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Concentrate.
Don't do anything stupid.
Catch some cards.
----Mrs. Cloutier, as TJ heads out to another tournament
- Right now I only play online poker. If I ever play live poker, raise preflop with a good hand, get called by someone with a 52 who hits a straight, I am walking over to that person to knock out his teeth. Congratulations you idiot.
- Poker is like petting a cat, you need some hands.
- Darwin takes a toll on the worst poker players because they lose money, Darwin takes a toll on average poker players because they don't make money and they will never be a great poker players, Darwin takes the greatest toll though, on the greatest poker players, because they could be doing something greater.
- People who play poker often wear raw hide.
- ''when i bet i either have nuts or balls.''FRAN PINCHOT
- "Does this look like a man beat by jacks!"-Rounders
- When I play badly, I lose fast. When I play well, I lose slowly. In a tournament, the net result is the same: I LOSE! - RH 11-6-05
- "The last time I saw this many Bad Hands was the Shoplifter's Convention in Vegas!" by flintsword
- I play like a mullet: tight up front and loose in the back.