10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "I dont mind getting beaten by a good player, and I dont even mind getting beaten by a bad player, but I cant stand getting beaten by a bad player who thinks he is good."
H.L.B. Tunica, MS
- Poker is for loners.
- If you don't want to get beat on the river, don't get in a hand with me.
-- Dan Nelson
- All I wanted in my divorce settlement was my computer - Pokerroom.com
- "Give me running 10's boy!!"
Mike Laing - after CALLING 78K with 10-8 on a board of K22
- I played poker with a real 10 last night, however on a slow night she only charges 5!
- "It's always good to get a nice dick-suckin before a tournament...it calms the senses."
Alex Powers
- If you could lose all of your money again... what would you have done differently?
- Poker is like a horse, five letters, two vowels
- "The last time I saw this many Bad Hands was the Shoplifter's Convention in Vegas!" by flintsword