10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "I already messed this hand up pretty good, so I may as well call." Chris Ferguson
- Trying to find the odds (not percentage) for this hand.
One person has JJ the other 1010. On the flop is J 10 10, what are the odds of this happening?
- Nixon financed his first political campaign with money he won playing poker against his fellow naval officers.
- You can't lead a horse to water, but a Donkey will follow you all the way to the River.
- Some people ask "what could they possibly call me with" before making a bet. I don't ask that question. I just make the bet and let them supply the answer. - Action Bob
- Fold and live to fold again
- Nobody would play the game if the best hand always won.
-Will Schwarz
- I have found that when my reasoning for making a call amounts to, "Aww, fuck it." it is usually the wrong move.
- The one who bets the most wins;
cards just break ties.
- Liquor in the front, Poker in the rear.