10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Liquor up front, poker in the rear
- Never educate a stupid poker player.
- ''when i bet i either have nuts or balls.''FRAN PINCHOT
- Sex is good, but poker lasts longer.
- "The kiddie game is down the street!" - Mike "the Mouth" Matusow
- All I wanted in my divorce settlement was my computer - Pokerroom.com
- "You can shear a sheep many times; you can skin it only once." -- Amarillo Slim
- Concentrate.
Don't do anything stupid.
Catch some cards.
----Mrs. Cloutier, as TJ heads out to another tournament
- Son, when a man bets you that the jack of spades will rise out of the dwck and squirt water in your ear: son, don't take that bet, for, as sure as eggs is eggs, you'll end up with a wet ear.
- "If you want to know what lies on the road ahead, ask the man whos on the way back"