10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "I'm broke one day and have a fortune the next day, and I don't give a damn"
--Jack "Treetop" Straus--
- Don't look at when a player sucks out on you with a trash hand as a loss. Think of it as an investment that will be returned with interest.
- Poker is like life, most people don't learn from their mistakes they only recognize them. C.Arel
- There is less luck involved than a bad player thinks there is, and there more luck involved than a good player will admit there is
- Sex is good, but poker lasts longer.
- Think of how stupid the average poker player is. By definition, half of them are dumber than that.
- If you don't want to get beat on the river, don't get in a hand with me.
-- Dan Nelson
- "If the flop don't fit, you must aquit" -Matt Thornton, Dayton, Ohio
- Some people ask "what could they possibly call me with" before making a bet. I don't ask that question. I just make the bet and let them supply the answer. - Action Bob
- Poker is like a horse, five letters, two vowels