10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Ive always like the quote, "Who needs balls when you got the nuts!!!"
- "I better straighten out my game, before I flush all my money down the toilet" - D. Drury
- "never count your money when your sitting at the table, there will be time enough for counting, when the dealings done."
- Its better to have played and lost then to not have played at all
Dick McWatters
- Play like a cunt, get fucked like one!
- Whaddya think you're playing against- an empty chair?
- Famous last words before he became a eunuch 'Id bet my bollocks on this hand'
- I'd rather be good than lucky, I'd rather be lucky than lose...
- The all-in play works everytime but once.
- "That's the best I ever misread a hand."
Unknown NL holdem tourney player at Taj Mahal, December 2003, after going all in on the flop, mistakenly believing he had a flush, but rivering a flush anyway