10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker."
- Mike McDermott, "Rounders"
- "I had 2 high." -Sammy Farha
- Trying to find the odds (not percentage) for this hand.
One person has JJ the other 1010. On the flop is J 10 10, what are the odds of this happening?
- I have found that when my reasoning for making a call amounts to, "Aww, fuck it." it is usually the wrong move.
- There's only one concept to understand in poker: at the end walk out with more money than you walked in with.
- Don't challenge strong players, challange weak ones. That's what they're there for. - John Vorhaus, author of Killer Poker
- People who play poker often wear raw hide.
- How can I miss the flop so bad that I don't even have a straight draw? -Jdoe
- I've noticed something funny ... the more I practice, the luckier I get. -- Jack Nicklaus
- "I got a full house! Whatchu got, sucker?"
"Gee, does that beat me? All I got is two pair: a pair-a ones...and, uh, ANUDDA pair-a ones."
-Nasta Canasta & Bugs Bunny, "Barbary Coast Bunny"