10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- If you can't spot the sucker at the table, guess what..
- The only thing you lose by folding is the opportunity to win.
- Its better to have played and lost then to not have played at all
Dick McWatters
- Think of how stupid the average poker player is. By definition, half of them are dumber than that.
- The one who bets the most wins;
cards just break ties.
- (after a particularly bad beat)
"that was a terrible call"
"it's called gambling"
"no it's called really sucking at life especially poker and trying to throw your money away because your life is useless and you have been pondering suicide for the last week but getting lucky enough to keep it"
- If you don't want to get beat on the river, don't get in a hand with me.
-- Dan Nelson
- If you cant spot the fish in the first ten minutes, you are the fish.
- How can I miss the flop so bad that I don't even have a straight draw? -Jdoe
- Please screen your these quotes, most of the crap people submit here don't classify as poker quotes at all, they just express how badly those persons misunderstand the game of poker or how proud they are that they understand elemntry concepts such as "counting outs" or "pot odds", no one cares jerks