10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "My luck is so bad, if it were raining pussy, I'd get hit in the head with a dick"
- Someone on here said that "poker is for fat American losers". That sounds a lot like the ramblings of a foriegn homosexual who's busy scratching a broke ass.
- "I'm broke one day and have a fortune the next day, and I don't give a damn"
--Jack "Treetop" Straus--
- If you can't quit the best hand, you can't play.
- In order to live, you must be willing to die - Amir Vahedi
- Right now I only play online poker. If I ever play live poker, raise preflop with a good hand, get called by someone with a 52 who hits a straight, I am walking over to that person to knock out his teeth. Congratulations you idiot.
- Never educate a stupid poker player.
- this hand sucked me in like an eagle in a jet engine
- Poker is like life, most people don't learn from their mistakes they only recognize them. C.Arel
- "The last time I saw this many Bad Hands was the Shoplifter's Convention in Vegas!" by flintsword