10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "My luck is so bad, if it were raining pussy, I'd get hit in the head with a dick"
- Play like a cunt, get fucked like one!
- I guess if luck wasn't involved, i'd win every tournament
-Phil Helmuth
- Poker is like sex - everyone thinks that they are the best at it but few actually know what they are doing - Layne Flack
- im going to 2 out you to death
- Please screen your these quotes, most of the crap people submit here don't classify as poker quotes at all, they just express how badly those persons misunderstand the game of poker or how proud they are that they understand elemntry concepts such as "counting outs" or "pot odds", no one cares jerks
- Whaddya think you're playing against- an empty chair?
- The best feeling in the world if flopping the nut straight against two players acting before you who both flopped sets. I'll take my chances against 5 outs.
- Got married to a hand, and discovered I got set up with a she-male.
- Great poker players are separated from good poker players not by how they win their hands, but how they lose them.