10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "Hooks (pair of Jacks) are for Fish. You've got to flop 'em, fold 'em, or fornicate 'em."
Johnnie Moss
- Don't challenge strong players, challange weak ones. That's what they're there for. - John Vorhaus, author of Killer Poker
- Think of how stupid the average poker player is. By definition, half of them are dumber than that.
- "I got a full house! Whatchu got, sucker?"
"Gee, does that beat me? All I got is two pair: a pair-a ones...and, uh, ANUDDA pair-a ones."
-Nasta Canasta & Bugs Bunny, "Barbary Coast Bunny"
- Playing poker for play money is like going to a strip club for the food. -UncleWaldo
- "I'd rather be lucky than good"
- Lefty Gomez
- There is less luck involved than a bad player thinks there is, and there more luck involved than a good player will admit there is
- Homer: Your mother has this crazy idea that gambling is wrong. Even though they say it's okay in the Bible.
Lisa: Really? Where?
Homer: Eh, somewhere in the back.
- Famous last words before he became a eunuch 'Id bet my bollocks on this hand'
- Play like a cunt, get fucked like one!