10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "never count your money when your sitting at the table, there will be time enough for counting, when the dealings done."
- Sex is good, but poker lasts longer.
- "you either live by the river or die by the river" why do i always seem to die
- Any two cards can lose... and they usually do.
- "I'd rather be lucky than good"
- Lefty Gomez
- Homer: Your mother has this crazy idea that gambling is wrong. Even though they say it's okay in the Bible.
Lisa: Really? Where?
Homer: Eh, somewhere in the back.
- Famous last words before he became a eunuch 'Id bet my bollocks on this hand'
- I guess if luck wasn't involved, i'd win every tournament
-Phil Helmuth
- When you're drawing dead, you always get there.
- Nobody would play the game if the best hand always won.
-Will Schwarz