10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died." -- Steven Wright
- Any two cards can lose... and they usually do.
- When I was young, I heard that all you need is a chip and chair. Now that I am old, I realize that they weren't talking about tortilla chips.
- The best feeling in the world if flopping the nut straight against two players acting before you who both flopped sets. I'll take my chances against 5 outs.
- Son, when a man bets you that the jack of spades will rise out of the dwck and squirt water in your ear: son, don't take that bet, for, as sure as eggs is eggs, you'll end up with a wet ear.
- You know that you've seen a lot of poker when three people are all
in before the flop, two of them turn over aces and the other turns
over kings, and the king hits on the river, and you say, "I've seen
that before, and ...."
- You should pay as much as possible for a free card.
- it is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time: you can even fool some of the people all the time: but you can't fool al of the peole all the time.
-Abraham Lincoln
- Someone on here said that "poker is for fat American losers". That sounds a lot like the ramblings of a foriegn homosexual who's busy scratching a broke ass.
- "if you riffle shuffle a standard deck
exactly 9 times the cards will return
to its original position as it were
prior to the 9 riffle shuffles."