10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "I better straighten out my game, before I flush all my money down the toilet" - D. Drury
- "Does this look like a man beat by jacks!"-Rounders
- How can I miss the flop so bad that I don't even have a straight draw? -Jdoe
- "Hooks (pair of Jacks) are for Fish. You've got to flop 'em, fold 'em, or fornicate 'em."
Johnnie Moss
- Remember these three simple words and you'll never go broke........ "Stick em Up!"
- Playing poker for play money is like going to a strip club for the food. -UncleWaldo
- Dan: I got the ace too, but I have nothing to kick you with.
Ian: Well, you could always take your shoe off.
- When I was young, I heard that all you need is a chip and chair. Now that I am old, I realize that they weren't talking about tortilla chips.
- Play like a cunt, get fucked like one!
- No bad beat can withstand the assault of laughter!