top 10 referenced hands this week
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See Holdem hand (#12782) (Apr 07 2003 15:17:06)
Holdem Hi: 1712304 enumerated boards
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
Ks Ac 728909 42.57 978073 57.12 5322 0.31 0.427
Td Th 978073 57.12 728909 42.57 5322 0.31 0.573 (2 clicks)
See Omaha hand (#2302457) (Jan 10 2007 04:08:42)
Omaha Hi: 500000 sampled boards
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
6s 4d 2d 8h 200475 40.09 296028 59.21 3497 0.70 0.404
5s 3s 9h 6h 296028 59.21 200475 40.09 3497 0.70 0.596 (1 clicks)
See Omaha hand (#1120152) (Aug 02 2005 01:44:03)
Omaha Hi: 500000 sampled boards
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
6s 4d 2d 8h 200475 40.09 296028 59.21 3497 0.70 0.404
5s 3s 9h 6h 296028 59.21 200475 40.09 3497 0.70 0.596 (1 clicks)
See Omaha hand (#16022784) (Mar 01 2024 20:22:19)
Omaha Hi: 820 enumerated boards containing 5c Th 9h
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
Qs Ah Kh 6h 352 42.93 468 57.07 0 0.00 0.429
Jd 5d Qh 8h 468 57.07 352 42.93 0 0.00 0.571 (1 clicks)
See 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo 8 or better hand (#6522917) (Jul 15 2009 21:03:54)
7-card Stud Hi/Low 8-or-better: 500000 sampled outcomes
cards scoop HIwin HIlos HItie LOwin LOlos LOtie EV
9d Ah 4h 3h 2h 54068 177715 320511 1774 127009 170348 12882 0.312
Ks Ts Kc Qc Qd 0 110267 389733 0 0 0 0 0.110
6s 2s 4c 5d 3d 159098 210244 287982 1774 360109 127009 12882 0.578 (1 clicks)
See Holdem hand (#16313892) (Mar 01 2025 17:38:56)
Error, please check your input. (1 clicks)
See 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo 8 or better hand (#6522910) (Jul 15 2009 21:00:05)
7-card Stud Hi/Low 8-or-better: 500000 sampled outcomes
cards scoop HIwin HIlos HItie LOwin LOlos LOtie EV
9d Ah 4h 3h 2h 59599 170580 329043 377 86941 168181 71778 0.294
Ks Ts Kc Qc Kd 0 296206 203794 0 0 0 0 0.296
2s 6c 4c Ad 3d 27830 32837 466786 377 341281 86941 71778 0.410 (1 clicks)
See 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo 8 or better hand (#6522908) (Jul 15 2009 20:58:20)
7-card Stud Hi/Low 8-or-better: 500000 sampled outcomes
cards scoop HIwin HIlos HItie LOwin LOlos LOtie EV
9d Ah 4h 3h 2h 46311 143055 355632 1313 126286 170702 12854 0.276
Ks Ts Kc Qc Kd 0 197273 302727 0 0 0 0 0.197
2s 6c 4c 5d 3d 120474 158359 340328 1313 360860 126286 12854 0.526 (1 clicks)
See Deuce to Seven Lowball hand (#7360300) (Oct 15 2012 12:53:32)
5-card Draw 2-7 Lowball: 42 enumerated outcomes
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
6s 4d 2d 8h 16 38.10 26 61.90 0 0.00 0.381
Ts 5s 3s 9h 6h 26 61.90 16 38.10 0 0.00 0.619