top 10 referenced hands this week

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See Deuce to Seven Lowball hand (#7360300) (Oct 15 2012 12:53:32)
5-card Draw 2-7 Lowball: 42 enumerated outcomes
cards              win   %win      lose  %lose       tie   %tie        EV
6s 4d 2d 8h         16  38.10        26  61.90         0   0.00     0.381
Ts 5s 3s 9h 6h      26  61.90        16  38.10         0   0.00     0.619 (1 clicks)
See Holdem hand (#2831923) (Jul 06 2007 14:35:03)
Holdem Hi: 990 enumerated boards containing 9d 7d 6d
cards     win   %win      lose  %lose       tie   %tie        EV
As Ad     647  65.35       331  33.43        12   1.21     0.660
8s 8d     331  33.43       647  65.35        12   1.21     0.340 (1 clicks)
See Holdem hand (#12782) (Apr 07 2003 15:17:06)
Holdem Hi: 1712304 enumerated boards
cards     win   %win      lose  %lose       tie   %tie        EV
Ks Ac  728909  42.57    978073  57.12      5322   0.31     0.427
Td Th  978073  57.12    728909  42.57      5322   0.31     0.573 (1 clicks)
See 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo 8 or better hand (#6522917) (Jul 15 2009 21:03:54)
7-card Stud Hi/Low 8-or-better: 500000 sampled outcomes
cards                  scoop     HIwin   HIlos   HItie     LOwin   LOlos   LOtie      EV
9d Ah 4h 3h 2h         54068    177715  320511    1774    127009  170348   12882   0.312
Ks Ts Kc Qc Qd             0    110267  389733       0         0       0       0   0.110
6s 2s 4c 5d 3d        159098    210244  287982    1774    360109  127009   12882   0.578 (1 clicks)
See Holdem hand (#2584057) (Apr 18 2007 05:12:58)
Holdem Hi: 990 enumerated boards containing 8d 5d Ah
cards     win   %win      lose  %lose       tie   %tie        EV
Ad 3d     304  30.71       686  69.29         0   0.00     0.307
5s 5c     686  69.29       304  30.71         0   0.00     0.693 (1 clicks)
See Holdem hand (#513023) (Sep 13 2004 23:38:06)
Holdem Hi: 903 enumerated boards containing 6s 9h 8h
cards     win   %win      lose  %lose       tie   %tie        EV
As 7d     322  35.66       559  61.90        22   2.44     0.365
8s Kh     185  20.49       696  77.08        22   2.44     0.213
9d Qh     374  41.42       507  56.15        22   2.44     0.422