Poker Odds Calculator

Enter Hands
Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds

Too many samples are required, using 500,000 sample simulation.
pokenum  -mc 500000  -7s8 5c 3s 7d  - 8c 2c 8h  - 8s 7c ac  - 9s tc th  - 6h 7s 6d  / jh ah 2d 
7-card Stud Hi/Low 8-or-better: 500000 sampled outcomes
cards      scoop   HIwin   HIlos  HItie   LOwin  LOlos  LOtie     EV
3s 5c  7d  36987   61215  438344    441  140725  27350   1368  0.214
8c 2c  8h  26723   87980  412003     17   42536  28990    146  0.154
8s Ac  7c  26623   49993  449931     76  152839  91719   1090  0.218
9s Tc  Th  35671  185332  314655     13       0      0      0  0.221
7s 6d  6h  38259  114980  384567    453   47864  23007    754  0.193