Poker Odds Calculator

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Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds
pokenum  -h ac as  - ah ad  - jh qh  - 6s 5s  - th ts  - 8c 8d  - 3h 4h 
Holdem Hi: 501942 enumerated boards
cards    win   %win    lose  %lose     tie   %tie     EV
As Ac  10550   2.10  375047  74.72  116345  23.18  0.136
Ad Ah   8620   1.72  376977  75.10  116345  23.18  0.133
Qh Jh  67028  13.35  434332  86.53     582   0.12  0.134
6s 5s  84434  16.82  416926  83.06     582   0.12  0.168
Ts Th  92848  18.50  408512  81.39     582   0.12  0.185
8c 8d  77849  15.51  423511  84.37     582   0.12  0.155
4h 3h  44268   8.82  457092  91.06     582   0.12  0.088