10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- All I wanted in my divorce settlement was my computer - Pokerroom.com
- No bad beat can withstand the assault of laughter!
- when a player asks me for lucky chips, i say they weren't lucky for the person i got them from
- "The lucky player is usually the player that knows how much to leave to chance." flintsword
- If you can't quit the best hand, you can't play.
- Welcome to kicker school
- This above all else: To thine own self be true.
- William Shakespeare
- Great poker players are separated from good poker players not by how they win their hands, but how they lose them.
- "You get your chips your way, I'll get my chips mine." (Phil Ivey, to Howard Lederer)
- The greatest feeling is when you've broken your opponent's spirit & crushed his confidence. The fact that you've taken both his bankroll & the shirt off his back is just a bonus.
Tom V. (Livonia, Michigan)