10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- "Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died." -- Steven Wright
- women can't play poker cause they don't have the nuts
- "Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker."
- Mike McDermott, "Rounders"
- Why not, when some because there are three.
- Play like a cunt, get fucked like one!
- they call it poker because the word "FUCK" was taken.
- i dont play any two suited cards. I play any two non suited cards, that way i am drawing at two different flushes
- Fold and live to fold again
- Famous last words before he became a eunuch 'Id bet my bollocks on this hand'
- God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffible game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. --Gaiman and Pratchett's "Good Omens"