10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- Its better to have played and lost then to not have played at all
Dick McWatters
- I've noticed something funny ... the more I practice, the luckier I get. -- Jack Nicklaus
- "If you want to know what lies on the road ahead, ask the man whos on the way back"
- People who play poker often wear raw hide.
- "I thought it was jack's"
- Phil Helmuth Jr. WSOP vs. Jason Lester
- To win a bit of money, make your opponent think your hand is stronger than it is. To win a lot of money, make him think your hand is weaker than it is. - Josh Avery
- Remember these three simple words and you'll never go broke........ "Stick em Up!"
- Fish don't eat Nutz!
- See AA before the flop is like a smile from the girl of your dreams, see AA lose to a pour hand on the river feels like the same chick just gave you a bad case of blue balls
- Sometimes doing the right thing loses you money and the wrong thing gains you money. The trick is figuring the right time to do the wrong thing and the wrong time to do the right thing.