10 Random Poker Quotes
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More Random Quotes- If only I'd read, "Winning at Internet Poker For Dummies." 'Til now, I never thought I qualified.
- It's Free To Fold...
- There's only one concept to understand in poker: at the end walk out with more money than you walked in with.
- " Dear Lord, help me to break even. I need the money."
- "You can shear a sheep many times; you can skin it only once." -- Amarillo Slim
- I cried because I had no draw, until I met a man with no pair.
- Poker is like petting a cat, you need some hands.
- some call cheating immoral, but then again, it's immoral to let a sucker keep his money.
- I have two small pair.....8's and 8's.
- "Never say 'Whoa' to a mud puddle"
-- Anonymous
$4-to-go NL A-5 Lowball Table,
Cameo Club Palo Alto CA, 1977