Poker Odds Calculator

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Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds
pokenum  -h ac ah  - ks qs  - 7c 7h  - 5d 6d 
Holdem Hi: 1086008 enumerated boards
cards     win   %win    lose  %lose   tie  %tie     EV
Ac Ah  549136  50.56  535661  49.32  1211  0.11  0.506
Ks Qs  191559  17.64  893238  82.25  1211  0.11  0.177
7c 7h  145696  13.42  939101  86.47  1211  0.11  0.134
6d 5d  198406  18.27  886391  81.62  1211  0.11  0.183