Poker Odds Calculator

Enter Hands
Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds

Too many samples are required, using 500,000 sample simulation.
pokenum  -mc 500000  -o 5h 4h 5d 9d  - as jh 8h kd  - ad jd kc 7s 
Omaha Hi: 500000 sampled boards
cards             win   %win    lose  %lose     tie   %tie     EV
9d 5d  5h  4h  218594  43.72  281406  56.28       0   0.00  0.437
As Kd  Jh  8h   96937  19.39  287245  57.45  115818  23.16  0.310
7s Kc  Ad  Jd   68651  13.73  315531  63.11  115818  23.16  0.253