Poker Odds Calculator

Enter Hands
Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds

Too many samples are required, using 500,000 sample simulation.
pokenum  -mc 500000  -o as ac 4c 9d  - ad ah kh jh  - 2s 6d 9s qh 
Omaha Hi: 500000 sampled boards
cards             win   %win    lose  %lose     tie   %tie     EV
As Ac  4c  9d   84125  16.82  291888  58.38  123987  24.80  0.292
Ad Ah  Kh  Jh   93470  18.69  282543  56.51  123987  24.80  0.311
9s 2s  6d  Qh  198418  39.68  301582  60.32       0   0.00  0.397