Poker Odds Calculator

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Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds
pokenum  -h ac as  - kd ks  - qh qd  - jd js  - tc ts  - 9d 9h  - 8h 8s  - 7s 7d  - 6h 6s 
Holdem Hi: 278256 enumerated boards
cards    win   %win    lose  %lose  tie  %tie     EV
As Ac  73233  26.32  204981  73.67   42  0.02  0.263
Ks Kd  50506  18.15  227708  81.83   42  0.02  0.182
Qd Qh  40743  14.64  237471  85.34   42  0.02  0.146
Js Jd  29662  10.66  248552  89.32   42  0.02  0.107
Ts Tc  23094   8.30  255120  91.69   42  0.02  0.083
9d 9h  17148   6.16  261066  93.82   42  0.02  0.062
8s 8h  14104   5.07  264110  94.92   42  0.02  0.051
7s 7d  13453   4.83  264761  95.15   42  0.02  0.048
6s 6h  16271   5.85  261943  94.14   42  0.02  0.058