Poker Odds Calculator

Enter Hands
Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds

Too many samples are required, using 500,000 sample simulation.
pokenum  -mc 500000  -o8 as ad th 6s  - ah 2d 5h 8d  - kh jc ts td 
Omaha Hi/Low 8-or-better: 500000 sampled boards
cards           scoop   HIwin   HIlos  HItie   LOwin   LOlos  LOtie     EV
As 6s  Ad  Th   87742  196390  302942    668   29047  167069   7787  0.309
8d 2d  Ah  5h  156704  179324  320676      0  267713   25453   7787  0.488
Ts Jc  Td  Kh   79052  123618  375714    668       0       0      0  0.203