Poker Odds Calculator

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Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds
pokenum  -h qd qh  - ah kd  - ad kh  - 8s 7s 
Holdem Hi: 1086008 enumerated boards
cards     win   %win    lose  %lose     tie   %tie     EV
Qd Qh  508622  46.83  573940  52.85    3446   0.32  0.469
Kd Ah    7235   0.67  804458  74.07  274315  25.26  0.132
Ad Kh    7235   0.67  804458  74.07  274315  25.26  0.132
8s 7s  288601  26.57  793961  73.11    3446   0.32  0.267