Poker Odds Calculator

Enter Hands
Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds
pokenum  -o 9d 6d 7d 5c  - ac tc ad 6h  - qs 7h qd 3d  - ks 3h kc 6c 
Omaha Hi: 376992 enumerated boards
cards             win   %win    lose  %lose   tie  %tie     EV
5c 9d  7d  6d  103555  27.47  270557  71.77  2880  0.76  0.278
Ac Tc  Ad  6h  146075  38.75  229465  60.87  1452  0.39  0.389
Qs Qd  3d  7h   58098  15.41  317857  84.31  1037  0.28  0.155
Ks Kc  6c  3h   65888  17.48  309676  82.14  1428  0.38  0.177