Poker Odds Calculator

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Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds
pokenum  -h 9d 8d  - ac kc  - jc ts  - 6h 6s  - as 5h  - kd js  - ah 9s  - 8c 7c  - qh 4c  - 6d 5s  -- 8s 5d 2c 
Holdem Hi: 406 enumerated boards containing 8s 2c 5d
cards  win   %win  lose  %lose  tie  %tie     EV
9d 8d  106  26.11   290  71.43   10  2.46  0.273
Ac Kc   49  12.07   357  87.93    0  0.00  0.121
Ts Jc   45  11.08   361  88.92    0  0.00  0.111
6s 6h   14   3.45   373  91.87   19  4.68  0.058
As 5h   30   7.39   373  91.87    3  0.74  0.078
Js Kd   22   5.42   384  94.58    0  0.00  0.054
9s Ah    2   0.49   401  98.77    3  0.74  0.009
8c 7c   56  13.79   343  84.48    7  1.72  0.147
4c Qh   50  12.32   356  87.68    0  0.00  0.123
5s 6d    0   0.00   384  94.58   22  5.42  0.027