Poker Odds Calculator

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Sample Hands:Hints:
  • You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories)
  • For draw games separate discards with a /

Your Odds
pokenum  -h ac as  - ad ah  - kc ks  - qc qs  - jc js  - tc ts  - 9c 9s 
Holdem Hi: 501942 enumerated boards
cards     win   %win    lose  %lose    tie   %tie     EV
As Ac    2140   0.43  406070  80.90  93732  18.67  0.096
Ad Ah   19578   3.90  388632  77.43  93732  18.67  0.131
Ks Kc  110222  21.96  389782  77.65   1938   0.39  0.220
Qs Qc   89140  17.76  410864  81.85   1938   0.39  0.178
Js Jc   72342  14.41  427662  85.20   1938   0.39  0.145
Ts Tc   60192  11.99  439812  87.62   1938   0.39  0.120
9s 9c   54596  10.88  445408  88.74   1938   0.39  0.109